
Sept. 11. 2009 

I just got finished watching The Curious Case of Benjamin Button, and I have come to two conclusions about the movie:

  • It is just like Forrest Gump only backwards

  • The ending makes you really emotional for some unknown reason

The sight of an old chick holding a baby doesn’t usually bring tears to my eyes, but this time it did. About a minute after the movie ended both me and the Hub were shedding tears (well he only shed one), but still it is something that I rarely ever see. The movie got me freaked out about how life is fragile and people can leave at any given moment. Being married and wearing this band around my finger has changed the way I feel about certain things in our relationship. I don’t quite know how to explain it but I know something has grown and expanded and matured. Especially on this day, Sept. 11 when eight years ago so many people had to experience first hand just how precious we are to one another. It made me give an extra touch, and then an extra kiss so the one I love knows exactly how much I love him.

September 12, 2009. Uncategorized.

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